Submit a video

Make sure you have a good internet connection.

Delay alert!

The analysis of your videos requires a manual verification step. There are currently a lot of Ping Hero users, which is leading to unusually long processing times (a few days). We apologize for the inconvenience, but it’s still awesome that there are so many of you!

How to film yourself?


1. Position your smartphone

  • You can use any device with a camera.
  • The smartphone must be stable. Ideally, use a tripod (which you can get here, for example).
  • Place your smartphone in line with the corner of the table as shown in the diagram. The right corner is preferable if both players are right-handed. Your smartphone must be at least 1.2 meters high to overlook the table. The ball must be visible at (almost) every moment during the point.
  • We recommend recording in "landscape" mode (placing the smartphone horizontally) rather than in "portrait" mode (vertically).

2. Start recording the video

  • Use your smartphone's usual application to record. To widen the field, it may be useful to zoom out.
  • It's better to stop and restart the video if you change sets or exercises. In any case, the size of the video file should not exceed 2 GB.

3. Upload the video

  • Make sure you have a good internet connection. Wi-Fi is ideal but not essential.
  • Go to Ping Hero, then 'Submit a video'. Stay on the page until the upload is complete.

4. Enjoy 😎

  • Congratulations! We will send you an email as soon as your video is ready.
  • Since our algorithm is still in the testing phase, we manually check its automatic interpretation of the video.

5. Dos and don'ts

  • Send only videos which rights you hold, as per our terms and conditions.
  • Ping Hero processes only videos that were recorded with a smartphone or another device - not screen recordings.
  • No need to send us a video which points would have already been cut out: Ping Hero takes care of it!